Friday, 11 February 2011

Police meeting

We had a meeting with the police to make sure that we would be allowed to film out in public with a realistic looking weapon. After the sargent inspected the weapon, he told us that he was happy for us use it for the purpose of filming.

This video is a debrief of the meeting;

Filming difficulties

As of today, all filming has been completed, with a few difficulties.

#1, we had to change actors. Instead of Sophie Stokes playing the part of the victim, due to her coming down with an illness around filming, we had to switch to Heather Steele.

#2 Due to a missed meeting to finalize the costumes, we had to improvise with what we had. Despite this, we feel it turned out fine.

#3 With Olympus house being a building out of our control, the lights of the building which was providing our lighting, kept turning off and because of this we had to wait for them to turn back on to continue filming.



Fran and Ryan painted a board white and wrote helpline and a number so if anyone has any quiries the day we are filming they can call this helpline. However, ultimatly, we didn't need to use this.