Thursday 23 September 2010

Preliminary Exercise

What we did...

We began our filming, Fran and Ryan were acting. We started by choosing a room we would film in. We film ryan reciving a text and walking down the corridoor to meet someone. After this Fran was filmed reciving the text and then walking down the stairs to meet Ryan. They then met up and sat under the stairs and exchanged a few lines of dialouge (this is also shown below in our story board) We included match on action, 180 degree rule and also shot/ reverse shot.


Here is our script;

Fran: Heyaa
Ryan: Hellooo
Fran: What lesson you sciving?
Ryan: Science
Fran: i dont blame you, that Miss Moorehouse is such a bitch!
Ryan: Yeah i think im failing becasue of her, do you  have that drink i asked for?
Fran: ermmm.....ah here it is.
Ryan: cheers, see you later.
Fran: See ya.


To begin with we had to wait a while to get cameras because the person was on the phone. It took us a while to find a location and sometimes we had to wait a while until people moved from the place we where filming in. We could not resolve this so just had to wait. Also with lighting we had to shut the blinds in some rooms because the sun was too bright, in some cases we had to change the direction we was filming in.


I believe our filming went well, we got all of the footage we needed, and more.

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