Evaluation Question 3
3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Our production company goes by the name of StandHardProductions, this name was chosen as a metaphor of how we planned to go about our work, to work together as a team and stand against problems we encountered. We have a logo which is just a simple SH within a circle, we chose a basic logo as it is more recognisable for the audience. As we only have a small group of 4, and being many roles to fill, some members of the group had to take on multiple roles. I had the role of filming and all camera work, however I did also have to be a stand in actor for a scene. The other roles, such as filming, story boards, mise on scene etc were done by Connor Page, Ryan Newsom and Francesca Williams. We had to create our cast on who/what/which suited the roles, we had Connor Page as the protagonist (the murderer), Heather Steele (not a member of our media studies, but our actor) as the victim, Me as a ‘yob’ and William Page as our stunt double. We had these names come out in our titles in appearance order so it was easy for the audience to relate names to the characters they saw. on screen.
An idea for a distributor is Paramount Pictures, although these are a large well known distributor, they distributed the film ‘Paranormal Activity’ which, made on video for a tiny budget of just $15,000 managed to take more than $107 million from the US alone. So although they are a large distribution company, they do invest time into low budget films as there is a chance they could boom at the theatres.
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